Welcome to Jurassic World!
The world of the Jurassic franchise from the minds of Michael Crichton and Steven Spielberg come to life in this one of a king experience. The new Jurassic World Exhibition houses a number of animatronic and digitally rendered dinosaurs for you to interact and gawk at with amazement.
The entire family can enjoy seeing baby dinosaurs hatch from their eggs, roar and hiss as they come to life before your very eyes. There’s over 20+ dinosaurs to see which include notable ones from the series such as T-rex, the velociraptor and the Jurassic World created Indominous Rex.
The exhibit is currently only located in Texas but as we get closer to Universal’s new Jurassic World Dominion they plan to pop up in more popular areas around the country and hopefully the globe as well.
The exhibit allows you to also play games and activities all Jurassic Park themed as well as selfies with the dinosaurs and characters. The exhibit is currently opened 7 days a week opening at 12 pm.
You can plan your visit and check out prices at their website which is located HERE.